Sunday, 10 May 2009

Swine Flu tour 2009.

Well its been a long week with various exciting adventures around London and Manchester. I'm work the blog in the opposite way and make a post on the adventures had in Manchester. Next week I'll do a post on my VERY strange time in London, just picture me nothing but orange swim shorts with 20 professional dancers, male and female (And all very good looking) doing handstands around various famous London landmarks...

So I went to see wor lass and we thought we could turn it into a mini skate tour, so 2 days after my arrival Kurt,Jack, Mellon and Steph turned up. And as were filming for Pigs in Wigs the tour was dubbed 'The Swine Flu tour'.

Lock and load

I was told the trip down was pretty intense due to insane rain, Mellon blogged that shit incase the police found the bodies and needed to know the causes of death

Mary's mate Lucy had some kick ass stuff, a Toad doll,

and a cushion with loads of cats on it.

The first night was all about getting drunk so we thought a quick way of doing this would be the 'Century club' and yes yes it was. 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes, that shit fucks you up. That night Kurt managed to get hold of my phone and take a myspace picture of his arse, he's a strange young man

The next day we met some kids and asked them to show us some spots and ended going to one the best spots Ive skated in a while, peep this shit.

All around the area was marble block of various sizes and smooth ground, the session went off.

On the way home Kurt made a friend.

After that it was clearly time to party, and to mine and Kurt's happy little faces a rock club was our decided venue! After alot of booze, me and Kurt got the mosh on while everyone else stood about looking very ashamed that they knew us.

He also helped one of Mary's mates who was in a bit of a pickle. He'd got his card stuck in the cash machine, so Kurt being the Shiney Row gangsta ripped the front of the cash machine off and pulled the card out.

The next day everyone was a bit tender so the session was quite mellow, we got some Breakfast from a greasy spoon and had a mellow skate.

Shit gets real in Manc.

So it was time to leave, but before we did we needed a good group shot, so we decided on a gangsta shot in front of the car, it would of looked sick but being a clumsy floor I manged to fall over as the picture was being taken.

The last bit of fun was seeing the smallest dog in the world in a service station on the way home.

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