Thursday 6 August 2009

I heard the Pink Panther lives in Durham.

Welcome to another exciting episode of 'Bangers' and 'Mash'! First off we have 'Bangers'!
So we went to Durham today to discover new spots and take in the sun. Well what we discovered was that there are about 4 spots and you get kicked out of them within 10 minutes, and if your asian they want to know why your filming near government buildings! We even got kicked out of one spot by a talking video camera warning us of £100 fines.
So after a bit of a fruitless we went to Coxhoe skate park nearby which actually turned into a bit of a session.

The crew was Mellon

Matty Smith

Original ripper David Hopper fresh off the plane

And of course your trusting brown filmer, ME!

We were joined at the session by Andrew Snowball and his crew who were ripping rural style! We left after a good day to chill and eat, montage is coming very soon.

Another borderline exciting thing that happened this week was my big turn at modeling T-shirts for native. Obviously I got the chance because of my searing good looks and melt in the mouth skin colour... Or maybe just because I would be the only one who do it for cheap/free. Either way being the sad case I am it stoked me out, so off I went to meet Jackie and Hman at Jackie's pad for a 'photoshoot'.

Basically Jackie was over it the minute I stepped through the door.

Hman hooked Jackie up with the technical knowledge.

And here's me repping the product like only a brown man can.

So if you wanna see my torso or just buy some fine skate related clothes etc go see jackie at Native Skatestore or go to

Right now onto 'Mash'!

Basically Ive not had any really exciting food this week as Ive been trying to eat a bit more healthy, so what you see below is a few dishes which weren't blogged in later posts.

First we have a dish which Matty Smith gobbled down in American Diner while I had a haircut next door. A nice stack of pancakes with vanilla icecream, berries and chocolate sauce! After having a bite am gonna have to say it was a sublime choice!

Second we have Mellon and James Rooney dishes from the last time we were at American Diner. James went with the controversial cheeseburger topped with olives. Rooney was stoked on this shit!

While Mellon went for bacon big boy hotdog, which was a hotdog with bacon on top. Mellon said it was nice but could have done with some cheese.

So join me soon for an exciting trip I recently to the Discovery Museum, HUZZAH!

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