Wednesday 4 June 2008

Long ass update!

Well its been a while since ive updated this Badboy so here it goes!

Bank Holiday weekend
Mary and her mates came to the toon and mucho booze was consumed while dancing in the streets of Newcastle. Pens were found and fake tattoo's were drawn, life was good! Was especially good to see me lass and give her some early Bday prezzies!

Week after
Went down to the smoke and did some filming, which largely consisted of me dressing as a Gorilla but ya can't complain, and then it was off to Huntingdon to celebrate Maz's Bday. But not before a trip to the cinema to watch Sex in the city which was alreet but VERY long! How the hell is the fit Blond one 52 years old GODDAMN! Maz's Bday was very boozy with alot of mixing of drinks and alot of dancing. I even managed to fit 4 Harmonica's in me mouth! Much of the weekend was spent recovering and eating loads of bait, I recommend the mixed grill from the black bull in Huntingdon, two sausages, one chicken breast, one bit of chicken liver, one piece of steak, one slice of gammon, one egg, mash, peas, tomoto's and mushrooms for a cold tenner, back of the net! Was sad to leave my lasses as am not gonna see her for 2 and a bit weeks but had a sick weekend!

peace out!

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